Your daily roundup of the latest posts from the HubSpot Marketing Blog.
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Here's your daily roundup of our latest and greatest marketing posts. Enjoy!

Type A vs. Type B: Does Personality Type Matter at Work?
By Lindsay Kolowich, Tuesday, July 28, 2015 8:00 AM

Organized, ambitious, competitive, and sometimes a little impatient. Laid-back, collaborative, creative, and sometimes a little messy. Does one of those sentences describe you better than the other?

Most of you probably already associate with either the "Type A" or the "Type B" personality. Or, perhaps you associate with both in different contexts -- like those of us who schedule our time and write to-do lists like maniacs, and yet have never made our beds once in our lives.

How to Generate More Leads & Customers Using Social Media Videos [Free Ebook]
By Christine White, Tuesday, July 28, 2015 6:00 AM

Did you know that the use of video content for B2B marketers jumped from 8% to 58% in 2014 alone? More than that, the number of videos brands publish on Facebook has increased by 3.6x year over year.

But does all this video really help marketers succeed?

The Anatomy of a Grammar Nerd [Infographic]
By Lindsay Kolowich, Monday, July 27, 2015 12:00 PM

Are you pro-semi-colon? Does the word "irregardless" make you cringe? Do you silently (or not-so-silently) correct your friends' and family's grammar mistakes on a regular basis?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, chances are you're a grammar nerd. It's cool -- a lot of us are, too. Actually, it turns out there are quite a few of you out there.

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