Your daily roundup of the latest posts from the HubSpot Marketing Blog.
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Here's your daily roundup of our latest and greatest marketing posts. Enjoy!

Can't Focus? 5 Ways to Overcome Distractions at Work
By Lindsay Kolowich, Tuesday, June 30, 2015 8:00 AM

How often have you or one of your coworkers uttered the phrase, "I wish there were more hours in a day"?

Between work, your commute, the gym, cooking, kids, happy hours, baseball games, knitting, your band, and whatever else it is you try to squeeze in -- oh yeah, I almost forgot sleep -- it can be hard to accept that 24 hours in a day is all you get.

Why People Like, Share, and Comment on Facebook [Infographic]
By Lindsay Kolowich, Tuesday, June 30, 2015 7:00 AM

Of Facebook's 1.25 billion monthly active users, 44% Like their friends' posts at least once a day -- and 29% do it multiple times a day. That's hundreds of millions of people interacting with content on the social network on a daily basis.

So what motivates people to Like Facebook posts -- and share them, and comment on them? And why should businesses care?

Slack, Shopify & Tough Mudder: Business Lessons From 3 High-Growth Companies
By Brian Vellmure, Tuesday, June 30, 2015 6:00 AM

How can we take what we have and make it grow?

It seems like a simple enough question. But growth is hard -- especially in the corporate world.  

Between increased competition, shorter cycle times, and growth hackers finding innovative ways to disrupt a market in record time, scaling your business has become increasingly challenging (and more imperative than ever before).

How to Avoid Being Awkward on the Phone [Infographic]
By Lindsay Kolowich, Monday, June 29, 2015 12:00 PM

Talking on the phone, especially with people you don't know, can be pretty intimidating.

I have the utmost respect for my friends in Sales, Support, and other departments who spend most of their days talking on the phone -- usually with complete strangers. How do they set a positive tone and earn respect using only their voice? And how do they do it without being awkward or making the other party uncomfortable?

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