Fit & Sexy Fast!.
Discover the hottest way to build awesome-looking muscle — bodyweight training!
With the new Bodyweight Muscle Burners DVD set, you'll discover a breakthrough workout program that uses your own bodyweight to burn fat, get incredibly fit & shrink your belly & thighs.
Burn 30% More Fat!
Did you know your pushup skills predict how easily you keep fat off? A Canadian study in Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise found that people who performed poorly in a pushup test were 78% more likely to gain 20 pounds over the next 2 decades. Bodyweight workouts, like pushups, burn fat while building lean muscle, unlike just lifting weights or doing cardio.

Create a Super-Strong Body! You'll gain strength, fitness, mobility, stability, and flexibility. The result? Awesome posture (you'll look thinner just by standing taller) and tighter muscles all over.

Burn Fat Fast! Each workout concentrates on some of your biggest muscle groups, like your glutes. Building buns of steel also improves metabolism, helping you burn calories at a higher rate and blast fat all over.

Flatten Your Belly! Every bodyweight exercise you do works your core and helps you burn more fat to uncover amazing “cover model” abs you never thought were possible.

In as little as 6 weeks,
Bonus DVD!
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Bodyweight Muscle Burners DVD set,
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